2.1 Activities management

Unique course format

With the existence of new technologies, the time to access information is constantly shortening. We developed a unique course format, that includes a grading table with additional functionality so that each student can immediately access his/her grade. But it is not only about students - we are providing a really strong, time-saving tool to work with the grading items. We removed unnecessary clicking and you can manage activities completely via grade item popover even if editing mode is turned off in the course.

Grade item popover

Grading table

  1. Student name refers to the user profile.
  2. Grade item shortcut shows grade the item popover on tap/hover.
  3. Grade of student’s activity refers to the Edit grade page (if capabilities, otherwise no link).
  4. Groups selector is available if the course contains more groups of which the user is a part.
  5. Pagination is available if a lot of students are enrolled.
  6. Title of the cell is provided for color understanding.
  7. Plugin help popover is available in the grading table footer.

Grade item popover

  1. Last modified date is shown to reflect activity changes.
  2. Grade item name refers to its detail.
  3. Due date is provided, if defined.
  4. Grade to pass with max. grade is displayed if the grade to pass is defined.
  5. Progress bars Completed and Passed are available if allowed in plugin settings.
  6. Activity Settings section with the Grade to pass field is shown (if capabilities, otherwise no this section). Grade to pass is saved automatically on the checkbox change.
  7. Show more ... link refers to Edit settings of activity (if Settings section is available).

2 Basic Features - Series

This series introduces you to the basic philosophy of the eTask format. Describes activities management (i.e. grading table and grade item popover) and explains motivational elements such as grades statuses, progress bars usefulness or activity completion importance which lead to the educational experience. Useful screenshots are attached.



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